I had an old retro looking clock that the mechanism had gone out on. I really liked the clock, so I figured it shouldn't be too hard to fix. I went to JoAnn's and found a $8 (-40% for the coupon) mechanism with a long shank. Figured that had to be it, since the clock was so thick. Wrong. It was so long that the clock wouldn't go back together. I decided it had to be the shorter one. So I went back to JoAnn's. Returned the long shank, got the shorter one (same price, but 50% off coupon this time). Took it home and the thing hit the glass, thus it wasn't moving time!
But then there was another issue. What to do with the $4 leftover clock from Wal-Mart. Or rather the frame with the glass and paper liner with numbers on it that certainly wasn't much of a clock now. I had a thought, but then it was making it work that was another issue. I was going to try to find chalkboard contact paper locally. It wasn't easy. I did finally find it at a Hobby Lobby, even after a clerk told us that they didn't carry that. Actually, they do. It just didn't have the phrase "contact paper" attached to it. You have to be so precise when asking for things apparently. He did direct us to some 12x12 sheets of paper that were also chalkboard surface. One sheet was $1.99. A roll of the adhesive paper was $7.99. It can also be found online, by clicking here. Okay, so now onto what I did. I took the new clock that saved my sanity and gave it a new life as a small chalkboard.
Note that SOME chalkboard surfaces such as these require that you rub all over it with a piece of chalk to "condition" the surface a few times before first use. This particular paper took the chalk very well.