I thought about this being for Valentine's Day but I guess it could be for anything, even just a thinking of you. This is one of the images being used this month in a monthly card challenge, hosted by a nice lady named Aprile, over on the Cricut Message Board. I've got a few more to do, but I wanted to at least have one up for Valentine's Day.
There are about four layers of plastic (from a plastic cover that came off of some packaging for a paper cutter) to make up the "jar" of glitter hearts (which Taylor made into a frisbee and slung across the room and under tables and chairs...much to my dismay!). In between each one is a layer of foam sheet scraps and confetti hearts in a shimmering color. The mouse on top of the jar has the same number of foam sheet pieces together so he could sit on the jar properly. The smaller mouse and the umbrella only have one layer of foam sheet. Basically everything on the card is raised with the exception of the scattered hearts and the phrase. I just realized that I forgot to replace the shadowing under the mice and the jar, but I guess it does it somewhat naturally. Maybe I should just say I meant to do that?! The reason for the two photos is to display the dimension - top with flash (see the shimmer?), bottom without (see the shadows?).
I started out with this thing on pink cardstock and then I changed my mine and went to lavender instead with a pink lace accent (thanks for the scissors Keith!). Now I'm not sure that it will fit in an envelope very well, but I probably should send it to my Grandmother...she's used to getting things late from me! Happy Valentine's Day!